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- /* This is an ARexx script for use with fMSX Amiga.
- $VER: mostcompatible.fmsx 2.2 (6.6.99)
- This script sets fMSX to the most compatible settings. Some programs
- will still require different settings, but when testing new software
- these settings provide a good start. Once you know that something
- works, try optimizing for speed.
- */
- options results
- address FMSX.0
- /* If no device is specified for drive A:, make it the default (PC0:) */
- drivea
- if result = 'RESULT' then
- drivea 'pc0:'
- /* Set one drive. Two take up more memory and cause programs to fails */
- drives 1
- /* Use a long enough interrupt period */
- interruptperiod 1500
- /* Make sure we can actually access the drives */
- lockdrives on
- /* Set 256KB of memory. 256KB ought to be enough for anybody... */
- memory 256KB
- /* Set MSX2. Booting will be slower but almost everything runs on it */
- msxversion msx2
- /* Most cartridges use romtype SCC1. Almost none use ASCII2, SCC2, or KONAMI2 */
- romtype1 scc1
- /* Most programs use the PSG... */
- soundmode psg
- /* ...and if we encounter an SCC program, it will most likely be normal SCC */
- sccplus off